Frequently asked questions


Can domain names contain characters like ä, ö, æ, ø and å?
Yes. Some top level domains now offer registration of domain names containing national characters such as æ, ø and å. Domain names containing such special characters, are called IDN (Internationalized Domain Names).

The IDN standard is relatively new, and some programs still do not support these domain names, including Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and earlier, Windows Mail, and

Whilst the IDN standard is still in its childhood years and the majority of the Internet users do not use IDN compatible software, let alone being able to type them on their keyboards, we recommend all applicants/owners of IDN domains also to apply for a "classic" domain name.

Below is a list of allowed characters (in addition to a-z, 0-9 and hyphen).

Top level domainAllowed characters
.seàáäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôöøùúüýþćčđěłńŋřśšţŧźžǎǐǒǔǥǧǩǯəʒ, plus Hebrew
.asSame as .de
.comSame as .de, plus Greek, Cyrillic, Chinese, Korean, etc.
.netSame as .de, plus Greek, Cyrillic, Chinese, Korean, etc.
.orgáäåāąæćčéēėęģíīįķļłñńņðóöøōőŗśšúüūűųýźżžþ plus Cyrillic and Korean
.infoáäåāąæćčéēėęģíīįķļłńņðóöøōőŗśšúüūűųýźżžþ plus Korean

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