Our email service includes 20 email accounts and unlimited number of email addresses (aliases). The email addresses you create can be pointed to one or more of your email accounts and/or forwarded to external email addresses. All email passing through our mail servers are automatically filtered for spam and scanned for viruses. Note! The email service does not include disk space for web pages. If you need this, you should order a web hosting instead. The same applies if you need more than 20 email accounts.
per month
20 email accounts15 GB per email account *)
Spam filter
Number of email accounts | 20 |
Disk space per email account | 15 GB *) |
Unlimited number of email addresses | |
Unlimited number of DNS records | |
Unlimited number of www forwardings | |
Servers in Europe | |
POP3 / IMAP / Webmail | |
Custom email filtering (Sieve) | |
Invoice interval (months) | 12 |