Frequently asked questions


I have received an invoice from Punktum dk. Do I have to pay it?
Yes. If you registered a .dk domain through Domainnameshop before 1 January 2006, or if you have transferred a .dk domain to Domainnameshop without changing the billing contact, then the yearly fee is invoiced directly by Punktum dk. The yearly fee must be paid in addition to any services you have with Domainnameshop (email, web hosting etc.).

The same applies if you do not pay an invoice from Domainnameshop for yearly feee within the due date; then we will not renew the domain with Punktum dk, and Punktum dk will change the billing contact from Domainnameshop to the registrant, and send an invoice directly to the registrant.

If you do not pay the yearly fee, the domain will be deleted. Punktum dk offers credit card payment via their website

See also:

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