Why does not my WWW forwarding work?
There may be several reasons why a WWW forwarding does not work. Take a closer look at these issues:
- It might take one hour from the change is made to it is visible. If you recently created or changed a WWW forwarding, be patient and try again later.
- Double-check that the address forwarded to is actually working. If it does not, no wonder why no page is displayed.
- If you want to forward both with and without the "www" in front, you will have to create two separate WWW forwardings. A common mistake is to assume that a forwarding without "www" automatically adds one with the "www" as well.
- In general, you should forward to an address that is a directory, not a file.
If you do not, forwarding of sub pages will not work. Hence, you should preferably add the forwarding www.domainname.com -> www.webserver.com/domainname/ instead of www.domainname.com -> www.webserver.com/domainname/index.html, as long as it is possible.
- If you forward to a directory, remember to add the character "/" at the end of the address. Forwarding of sub pages will not work otherwise. In other words, for the forwarding www.domainname.com/subpage.html -> www.webserver.com/domainname/subpage.html
to work, you need to forward to www.webserver.com/domainname/ instead of www.webserver.com/domainname.